Plugged Live Shows – Motion Rebrand


Plugged Live Shows creates custom live shows for one of a kind occasions. I worked at 2021, when MT decided to start a rebranding project. Together with visual lead Sean O’ Sullivan, we build a new look for Plugged. My primary task within this project was movement. How does this brand behave?

Brand Elements

Visual lead designer Sean designed five elements that represented the character of Plugged.


– Bullseye

– Creativity


– The Eye

– Voyager 1


I got the opportunity to make them come alive with animation. This was done for flexibility; Plugged makes a lot of video content, and we liked the idea of using these elements in “big moments” to accentuate what makes the company ‘tick’.

Motion graphics

Something more “standard” for a rebranding project was creating all motion graphics. Lower thirds, logo animations, title cards and an extended outro. Most of these elements can be found in the video below.

Extended outro & sound design

Aside all brand elements and motion graphics, Plugged also wanted a “closer” for their bigger video’s. These amazing documentaries are mostly for corporate use only, which means I can’t display them in my portfolio. The outro also has additional branded sound design by me and Chris Kuijten.


The Plugged Group

My contribution

Motion graphics, sound design,

graphic design, branding



Plugged Live Shows creates custom live shows for one of a kind occasions. I worked at 2021, when MT decided to start a rebranding project. Together with visual lead Sean O’ Sullivan, we build a new look for Plugged. My primary task within this project was movement. How does this brand behave?

Brand Elements

Visual lead designer Sean designed five elements that represented the character of Plugged.


– Bullseye

– Creativity


– The Eye

– Voyager 1


I got the opportunity to make them come alive with animation. This was done for flexibility; Plugged makes a lot of video content, and we liked the idea of using these elements in “big moments” to accentuate what makes the company ‘tick’.

Motion graphics

Something more “standard” for a rebranding project was creating all motion graphics. Lower thirds, logo animations, title cards and an extended outro. Most of these elements can be found in the video below.

Extended outro & sound design

Aside all brand elements and motion graphics, Plugged also wanted a “closer” for their bigger video’s. These amazing documentaries are mostly for corporate use only, which means I can’t display them in my portfolio. The outro also has additional branded sound design by me and Chris Kuijten.

other things